BASIC PLAN: We will be clearing and filling a couple potholes on the Old Ridge Route.
WEATHER: We will be in an area with full sun and possible wind.
WHAT TO BRING: Sunscreen, a hat, closed toed shoes (work boots are best!) and water. Gloves are a must.... they could likely get covered in road material. A Tamper and shovel aren't a requirement but would be great! If you would like to donate a bag of cold patch, this is the type we are using (LINK)
WHAT TO EXPECT: The first layer of pothole filling will be laid down in a couple small to mid sized potholes. We will be using a broom, leafblower and shovel to clear debris out of the pothole and then filling it with cold patch. The cold patch will be compacted by a tamper or wooden flat, rolled over by a car. Our working area is on the northern end of the Old Ridge Route, by Granite Gate.
MEETING LOCATION: Site of Sandbergs Summit Hotel. Map: